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You are here:  Home > Regional > Europe > France
  • Alternative French dictionnary - French slang.
  • Cities and villages of France - History - Over 1,750 books dealing with the history of 30,000 French cities and villages. All titles belong to the Monographies des villes et villages de France collection, which has been recommended by the French ministry of Tourism in 1989. It allows everyone to meet again with one's roots, and it's a precious help for genealogists and everybody who wants to know bygone customs, remarkable characters and events in the past of France. Over 1000 links towards French cities web sites too.
  • Dictionnaire Francophone - Words from all French speaking countries across five continents.
  • France World : best sites in english - France's best sites about tourism, business, lifestyle & products. Prepare your vacation, visit the regions, enjoy gastronomy & culture. Find companies for partnerships in import / export & trade. Doing business or on holidays? Welcome to France World.
  • French Freemasonry and Politics - The site is designed around the idea of gradually building an on line research center dedicated to academic social and political research of modern Freemasonry in France and elsewhere. The framework of this center is based on my book, "The Democratisation of France, 1840-1901: Sociabilite, Freemasonry and Radicalism".
  • History - France for Visitors - Large collection of France history links.
  • History of France - By Cornell University.
  • Les Echos - taux de change - Currency converter.
  • MinitelWeb - Minitel on the web provided by France Telecom Intelmatique.
  • Toulouse - Universite des Sciences Sociales - University programs in Law, Economics and Political Science, entrance requirements and staff directory. Also some useful administrative and practical information.

  • Usenet soc.culture.french - news:
  • "France" search on:  
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