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You are here:  Home > Health > Conditions and Diseases > Allergies
  • AllAllergy.Net - Asthma, Allergy and Intolerance Information on the Web. Articles, organisations, books and journals, events, products, allergen database. Everything intolerance, allergy, and hypersensitivity sufferers and health-care professionals need to know about this complex and rapidly-developing field.
  • AllerDays - AllerDays is your nondrowsy site for allergy relief information and plenty else. AllerDays contains up-to-date pollen forecasts, tips for outdoor lovers, informative articles, occasional contests and the Find Your Specialist page to help you locate an Allergy specialist near you.
  • Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever) - Hay fever problems lessen in colder autumn weather. This site describes the causes and treatment of this very common condition.
  • Allergies - Information about allergies from the Canadian Lung Association.
  • Allergies - Read the latest research findings on diagnosis and treatment of asthma and other allergic diseases.
  • Allergies - MiningCo Home Page - Allergies, from your Mining Co. Guide
  • Allergies Book Store - Discount books on Allergies. Read informative book reviews and order books online from WellnessBooks.com.
  • Allergies: news and information - Research news and up-to-date information on allergies from MCW HealthLink, produced by the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
  • Allergies Resource Center - Medical news, information, links, message boards, books, and much more on Allergies.
  • 4Allergies.com - Fight those aggravating allergens and asthma flare-ups with Claritin, Flonase and Allegra. Find the aid you need at CVS, Rite Aid and other online drugstores.
  • Allergy & Asthma Resource Center- Mayo Clinic Health O@sis - Mayo Clinic Experts offer information about the causes of Allergies and Asthma, along with the latest treatments and steps you can take to prevent allergic reactions and Asthma attacks.
  • The Allergy Research Institute - Pune, India
  • Allergy Society of South Africa (ALLSA) - In accordance with our mission statement these pages of information are intended for medical health care professionals, allergic patients and the public at large.
  • American Academy of Asthma, Allergy, and Immunology - Has a wide variety of information on these disorders. You can search the site in several areas.
  • Asthma and Allergy Information and Research (AAIR) - UK based site, with lots of helpful information on asthma, allergies, hayfever.
  • Atopicana! - Proactive self-help information on reducing allergy problems.
  • Enzyme Potentiated Desensitization (EPD) FAQ - Information about EPD, an experimental allergy treatment that uses environmental controls and low-concentration allergy shots.
  • European Pollen Allergy Information - Various information about pollen allergy. Pollen load forecasts for many European countries. Pollen distribution maps for Europe (useful for vacation planning). Description of allergenic plants (with images)
  • Fragranced Products Information Network - Information about various allergies relating to fragranced products (such as perfume and aftershave).
  • Join our forces to fight the epidemic of the 21th century - The UCB Institute of Allergy gives health professionals more information about allergy and works with international organisations to promote awareness of allergy as a public health problem.
  • Kent's Vegan Allergy Beacon Page - A bio., resource, and information page for those afflicted with the life-threatening condition of being severely allergic to all fresh fruits and vegetables and most cooked ones (a serious site, NOT a joke or parody page).
  • Middle Ear Disease and Allergy - Presents the evidence that supports the theory that persistant fluid in a child's (or adult's) middle ear is the result of allergy and not infection.
  • Sinusitis: A Treatment Plan that works for Allergy and Asthma too - This is a very comprehensive site on sinusitis, one of the most common diseases. There are also sections on the related topics of allergy and asthma.
  • The Sneeze Gazette - The Sneeze Gazette is the home page of Dr. Christopher Randolph. .If you suffer from Allergies, or know someone who does, if you suffer from Asthma, or know someone who does, this page is for you.You'll find the quarterly newsletters, links to allergy and asthma sites and a growing FAQ
  • UCB Disease Management - Virtual Symposium - The site offers medical information to health care professionals and the general public with emphasis on allergy and central nervous system disorders.

  • Usenet alt.support.food-allergies - news:
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