See also: - Amazing Zorch - - bringing you the funniest, most creative, imaginative content on the web.
- American Society of Indexers - Writers, freelance and salaried indexers, librarians, editors, publishers, and organizations employing indexers find useful insights.
- Banned Books - about the long and continuing history of censorship.
- Censorship - Free speech is o.k. - The absence of it is documented here.
- Ecola Newsstand: Newspapers and Magazines - Guide to English-Language Media Online
- Gigabooks Hand Bookbinding - Information about and products for perfect binding paperback books by hand. Inexpensive hand-binding presses, a variety of computer-printable cover stock, how-to info and more!
- The Independent Reader - Unbiased recommendations way from the Best Sellers
- International Informatics Institute - This web journal differentiates traditional print media from the new digital media, documents developments and helps media professionals work more efficiently. What has been the Graphics Research Laboratory evolves into the International Informatics Institute, enlarging their focus from publishing and media technology to the global electronic commerce and infrastructure.
- Internet Free-Press - Internet Free-Press is a virtual organization that aims to bring together everyone with an interest in electronic publishing. Members are those who want to get into electronic publishing and established publishers who wish to respond to its challenges.
- James Russell Publishing - Publisher of screenwriting book and open to new writers for manuscript submissions.
- Literary agents - Advice for authors - and would-be authors - on the business of getting published.
- Litopia Corporation - literary agents - International literary agents providing management for writers & authors globally. Site contains much useful "how-to" information on the business of getting published.
- The Luddite Reader - A readers advisory site for those who chose to resist the adoption of new technologies. Also includes listings of luddite movies, music, and related links.
- Manuscript Depot: Online Manuscript Showcase - Connecting writers, literary agents and publishers around the world! A new way for writers to market their manuscripts, agents and editors to find talent.
- Net Publishers -
- NewspaperLinks - hosted by the Newspaper Association of America, is the official gateway to local newspaper sites on the Web.
- Project Gutenberg - makes online available Literature such as the Bible, Shakespeare, Moby Dick or References such as Roget's Thesaurus and a set of encyclopedia, dictionaries, etc.
- Self-Publishing - - Self-Publishing is the perfect paradox of "It was the best of times, It was the worst of times!" It doesn't get any clearer than that. To go through the process and come out with a book you can call your own is one of the most rewarding experiences you'll ever have.
- Sharing Time Books Consortium - "A new online book marketing catalog seeking authors, writers, and self publishers."
- Still Stationary Storefront - Allowing independent writers, artists, musicians and film makers an inexpensive space on the Internet to reach a large market.
- Thinking Publications - Books and software for speech-language pathologists.
- University of Life Press - Submit your work for on-line publication and order titles or get in touch with authors.
- The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Publishers - The Oxford Universities Web-Page serves as a starting point to traditional publishers, anglo-american bookstores and to international broadcasters.
- The Write News - Daily Publishing and Writing News.
- Usenet misc.writing - news: