- Activism From Home - Grandmothers for Peace International ask other Grandmothers to exercise their free speech from home. They quote war resistors league: "If you think youre too small to be effective
youve never been in bed with a mosquito."
- Adbusters Culture Jammers Headquarters - Free Speech with a purpose. Adbusters sometimes can not get mainstream television to air their ads for any amount of money. Ads are contrary to commercials
- Against Pacifica Radio? - Rafael Renteria in this CounterPunch article, Challenges Pacifica Radio managers who are allegedly gutting the voice of freedom in US radio
- Alert Service - Internet Action Alert Service (IFEX) provides daily updates of world wide consequences to journalists and others whose exercise of free speech led to their arrest, imprisonment or ....
- Am Civil Liberties Union ~ Free Speech - Links to issues such as book banning, electronic censorship. Excellent part of site defines "What is Free Speech?"
- American News Service (ANS) - ANS offers solution oriented news and information and helps journalists balance their coverage of crime, coups and corruption with in-depth articles on solution-oriented action
- Bill Lambrecht takes on a "giant." - Terminator Gene and other genetic engineering of crops is ignored in U.S. but a global investigative look around the world last year led Bill Lambrecht of St. Louis Dispatch, to dig up major connections of politicians, money, power and future bottom line focus in one article.
- Brill's Content - On Line version of Steven Brill's hip, engaging, critical print magazine, Brill's Content.
- Center for Democracy and Technology - Free Speech Issues includes E Mail subscription for individuals to keep abreast of laws and rulings on Free Speech.
- Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition - Broad internet and library coalition to support freedom of speech in their realms.
- Civil Liberties - Home Page - J.D. Tucille lists Civil Liberty sites on The Mining Co. This broad and inclusive exploration goes to the far reaches of free speech. Extensive links and resources.
- Committee for Naming Facts - Ayn Rand Institute's Committee for Naming Facts, honors (and vindicates) Mr. Elia Kazan who showed great moral courage in testifying about the influence, in the American film and theatre industry, of those who wished to replace freedom with totalitarianism during the House UnAmerican hearings in 1952.
- Cyber Tribune - First ammendment content, updated freqeuently.
- Cyberspace Law Institute - Where will "free speech" be tomorrow? Extensive examination of cyberlaw issues.
- Electronic Frontier Foundation - EFF, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, is a non-profit, non-partisan organization working in the public interest to protect fundamental civil liberties, including privacy and freedom of expression, in the arena of computers and the Internet
- FlyingFish through the mists of media - Seeing through the mists of the modern media is this alternative news & comment site focusing on human rights & quality of life
- Free Expression Network - Current news, features and trend analysis in free expression issues in U.S.
- Free Speech and Intellectual Capital - IntellectualCapital is an e-zine that explores social, political and cultural issues affecting the world today.
- Free Speech Internet Television - Independent site which individuals or organizations can join to set up their own web TV or radio free speech ideas.
- Free Speech Issues in organizations - Michael Martin argues that atheistic organizations should generally allow their members to criticize them. "Infidels.org" site.
- Freedom Forum Newspage - Journalists site, First Amendment section carries fresh news weekly on U.S. issues concerning free speech.
- The Freedom Forum Online - A nonpartisan, international foundation dedicated to free press, free speech and free spirit for all people. The foundation pursues its priorities through conferences, educational activities, publishing, broadcasting, online services, fellowships, partnerships, training, research and other programs.
- Freedom of Expression - Freedom Magazine - Perhaps the most essential right is that of communication. Without the freedom to communicate, other rights deteriorate.
- Internet Free Expression Alliance - Ensure the continuation of the Internet as a forum for open, diverse and unimpeded expression and to maintain the vital role the Internet plays in providing an efficient and democratic means of distributing information around the world
- Libertarian Policy Issues - Free Speech is one of several major Libertarian issues. Graphic on this page presents major political categories that bear upon such issues.
- LOW Power to the People - Small groups, nonprofits and individuals might get low power FM radio stations. Free Speech Issue article in Mother Jones lays it out. by Geov Pharrish
- MIT Student Association for Freedom of Expression (SAFE) - SAFE provides links on censorship search engine, arguments against campus political correctness as it affects free speech.
- Mother Jones Side Show page - Page is updated monthly. May, 1999 is called, Winks and Giggles at the State Department's doublespeak.
- New Age of Falsification ? - Nature photographers face a crisis of ethics as digital imaging makes photo fakery easier than ever. Overview in Atlantic Monthly of May, 1998.
- Open Studio: The Arts Online - Free Speech in the modern era requires visual images to communicate.
- Police Investigative Report - Win at all costs - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Bill Moushey and Bob Martinson studied cover ups, paid perjury by zealous law enforcement culture that wins indictments and convictions at any cost.
- Primer on "Usenet" Net Abuse and Free Speech - U.K. Oxford University presents reasoned and balanced information and links about free speech in "news" groups online.
- RCFP First Amendment Handbook: Contents - This site which is part of the Reporter's Committee for Freedom of the Press site contains a fount of information on the application of the First Amendment to such issues as access to the courts, gag orders, access to places, freedom of information and libel. Well organized and well written.
- Religious Right, an 18 year study - People for the American Way studies U.S. religious right from among other standpoints, concerns about free speech, separation of church and state, minorities.
- Resolving The Pacifica Crisis - 50 year old Pacifica Radio, progressive source for U.S. liberals is apparently being gutted by actions of its paid leaders and board.
- Save Pacifica Radio - Group to restore democratic voice to governance by the community, for the community of progressives of Pacifica Radio.
- Search page to index of free thought - Infidels.org's Secular Web has numerous scholarly articles and links on free speech and thought.
- The Shoebox Forum - Local Maine example of enabling free speech access for workers who might not otherwise have such a voice. Part of "Blue Information Systems," Weld, Maine. Brilliant use of high tech as tool, not goal in biz & community development.
- Smoke Signals - Chris Eyre's film of Sherman Alexie short story gives voice to two groups whose free speech seem impaired.
- Suppression of dissent - The general field of "suppression of dissent" includes whistleblowing, free speech, systems of social control and related topics. The purpose of the site is to foster examination of these issues and action against suppression. It is founded on the assumption that openness and dialogue should be fostered to challenge unaccountable power.
- Toward Freedom - Worldwide advocates of free speech because it permits the disenfranchised of the world to be heard, this monthly online and print magazine focuses on human rights issues.
- Where's the watchdog? - Instead of public news, the news media focus on the culture of celebrity, and sensational entertainment. The Freedom Forum asks: Can there be free speech when "news" is so distorted?
- Whistleblowers Australia - The goal of Whistleblowers Australia (WBA) is to help promote a society in which it is possible to speak out without reprisal about corruption, dangers to the public and other vital social issues, and to help those who speak out in this way to help themselves.
- Wolfe's Lodge - The writings of Claire Wolfe, Patricia Neill and other lovers of liberty. It is also dedicated to all people who choose to be free, rather than wait for others to free them.
- World Press Freedom Committee (WPFC) - WPFC is 37 organizations on five continents, defending the freedom of the press and assisting independent news media organizations around the world.
- Your investigative toolkit to speak truth to power - Simple site intended to invite people to use resources and ideas to speak up about humans and environment.
- Actual WAR versus intermittent terror - U.S. bombs Iraq. Might a legally declared war by U.S. on Iraq be fairer to the people of the world than what we do now? Careful read of these pacifists is an eye opener. (November 11, 1999)